One month after I took possession, my mother’s twenty year old cactus died. I swear I didn’t over-water it, didn’t freeze it, didn’t treat it any differently than she did. That wasn’t my first clue, but rather a confirmation of what I had long suspected: I am afflicted with brown-thumb-it is. So who do I marry? An urban farmer. And what daughters do we produce? Little Demeter and Ceres Junior.
I envy people with green thumbs. You know --- the folks whose gaze makes flowers bloom and whose touch brings bountiful harvests. I swear blossoms wither as I walk past.
But I digress…
For weeks my middle daughter begged to plant flowers at our new home. Last Friday, with its sunny 70 degrees, I conceded. We bought gloves, spades, and one of those little claw things at the dollar store and purchased seeds at a gardening center.
Our first task entailed removing the debris and weeding the area where the previous residents had planted hyacinths, tulips, and unidentifiable (to me) plants. We freed a rosebush from the clutches of an out-of-control vine, then we lined the perimeter with brinks that had littered the backyard.

Impressed by the results but unsatisfied because she had yet to actually plant anything, my daughter pushed for another project. I suggested creating a flowerbed along the walk that leads to the front porch. Little Demeter pounced on the idea.
My hubby didn’t trust me with the shovel, so he dug the plot. After we shook the soil from the grass and lined the bed with more bricks and a concrete post, we decided seeds alone wouldn’t be enough. I swore not to touch a thing while they picked out a flat of flowers at the gardening center.
By the time they returned, Ceres Junior had finished track practice. Gardening must bring out the best in my darling daughters. They worked well together, transplanting the flowers and sowing the seeds.
I can hardly wait for the cosmos and wildflowers to bloom. With both daughters’ attention, I’m certain they will---as long as I keep using the backdoor. ;-)
Gloves and implements: $5.00
Seeds and sweet peas: $15.00
Family project beautifying the environment: PRICELESS
Anyone---even those who share my brown-thumb-it is---can celebrate Earth Day. Pick up litter, ride a bike or carpool to work, or replace even one incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb. For more ideas, visit .
Mother Earth treats us pretty well. Let’s reciprocate!
For an awesome blog on gardening and South Africa, visit Jo Hedges’ Memorable Meanderings.